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  • Continuing Education Courses on Autism for Social Workers

    Understanding the latest information on topics such as Autism helps mental health professionals to improve their ability to treat their patients. With the Autism Identification, Treatments, and Current Research Psychology Seminar, you can learn at your own pace on your computer, tablet or phone. This 6.0 CEU credit course focuses on the number of Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) cases increasing in the last 20 years.

    More about Autism: Identification, Treatments and Current Research

    As a mental health professional, you must interpret important treatment information to incorporate it professionally into your practice for better treatment options for your patients. The Autism: Identification, Treatments and Current Research continuing education course for mental health professionals focuses on the best practices for identifying, evaluating, and treating children and adults with ASD. It also discusses DSM-V updates that are important for mental health professionals. With this continuing education online course, you will gain the tools and information you need to help those with ASD as well as provide support to their families.

    The objective of this psychology seminar includes being able to explain things that are commonly known and not commonly known about ASD. Also, participants will be able to describe the disorder when it overlaps with other disorders, so diagnosing it becomes easier. Lastly, three evidence-based treatments are explored. The continuing psychology course was created by Charlotte DiStefano, Ph.D., who is a clinical instructor at UCLA’s Center for Autism Research and Treatment Center.

    Learn More About Psychology Seminars Today

    At our private and non-profit educational organization, Professional Psych Seminars, we offer a variety of updated and interesting courses for mental health professionals, both online and live. For more information about our course offerings, or any questions about the Autism: Identification, Treatments, and Current Research course, visit or call toll-free at 877-777-0668 today.