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Psychology Continue Education Online - Treatment of Uncomplicated and Complicated Grief

When it comes to treating patients, grief and loss are two common topics that often need to be addressed. With the help of continuing education courses from Professional Psych Seminars, you can find a variety of online courses or live seminars to earn credits. The Treatment of Uncomplicated and Complicated Grief - Psychology CEU offers 6.0 credits and can be done on your PC or Mac computer, Tablet and Phone. Created by Christina Zampitella, Psy.D., FT, a licensed psychologist, this course offers helpful information on death, loss, and grief.

More about the Treatment of Uncomplicated and Complicated Grief Course

Mental health professionals are faced with the often misunderstood and misdiagnosed symptoms of uncomplicated and complicated grief. With the COVID-19 pandemic, more clinicians are likely to see individuals impacted by grief. Grieving clients may present with other diagnoses, because symptoms of uncomplicated or complicated grief can mimic symptoms of other disorders. It is essential to be versed in identifying grief-related constructs that may underlie, or even cause, mental health difficulties. This presentation aims to provide current information on the grieving process, clarify misconceptions of outdated theories, and differentiate between uncomplicated and complicated grief. Also, the class examines the changes in conceptualization, differential diagnosing, treatment planning, and interventions used with grieving individuals. Attendees will leave with an improved clinical skill set they can immediately use to identify and treat their clients.

Learn More About Continuing Education Courses and Webinars

We at Professional Psych Seminars, a private, non-profit educational organization, host a large group of online courses and live seminars to health professionals. These continuing education courses all offer comprehensive and up and coming information to nurses, psychologists, social workers, and others who want to provide the most updated type of care to their patients. For more information about our online courses and live seminars or to learn more about the Understanding and Treating Grief and Loss online course, visit our website at or call toll-free at 877-777-0668 today.