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CE Resources for Psychologists, Social Workers, Mental Health Professionals and Counselors


CEU For Health Professionals - Clinical Supervision

At Professional Psych Seminars, our clinical supervision course offers the latest information on the best practices and guidelines for supervision for a variety of mental health professionals...Read More


CEU for Therapists - Being An Emotionally Mindful Therapist

The Being an Emotionally Mindful Therapist MFT CEUS course focuses on emotional mindfulness as a therapist and explores a proven process of mindfully connecting and working with our emotions...Read More


Behavioral Health CEU Training - Understanding And Treating Intimate Partner Violence

CEU training course, Understanding and Treating Intimate Partner Violence is a 7.0 credit class created by Debbie Murad, LCSW, a clinical supervisor, organizational consultant, and lecturer with over 20 years of trauma-informed experience with intimate partner violence...Read More


Law And Ethics CE - Ethics Class For CA Psychologists

When mental health professionals are looking for law and ethics CEUS for psychologists, Professional Psych Seminars has a full selection of continuing education courses to choose from...Read More


Health Professionals CEU Course - Psychopharmacology Update For Clinicians

Psychopharmacology Update for Clinicians, Part 1 CE course provides healthcare professionals with the latest information about how medications affect and help those in need...Read More


Mental Health CEUS - Treating Depression With Mindfulness And Self

The Treating Depression with Mindfulness and Self-compassion online mental health CEU course offers insight into the latest research for treating depression without medication...Read More


Mental Health CEUS Online - The Depressed Brain

When you’re looking for an educational look at depression, try a mental health continuing education course such as The Depressed Brain: Psychobiology of Depression and Implications for Treatment...Read More


Mental Health CEU Seminars - Trauma And Mindfulness

The Trauma and Mindfulness mental health CEU seminar explores various mindfulness techniques are explored that can be used in trauma therapy in a practice or facility...Read More


MFT CEUS Online - The Power Of Mindfulness In Psychotherapy

Psych Seminars offers a large variety of MFT CEUs workshops to choose from. The Power of Mindfulness in Psychotherapy is an online course that focuses on the last 10 years of history regarding mindfulness in psychotherapy...Read More


Online Psych Course - Cultivating Multicultural Discussions In Treatment

The continuing education course from Professional Psych Seminars called Cultivating Multicultural Discussions in Treatment allows healthcare professionals to explore the importance of multicultural discussions to implement in your practice or at your facility...Read More


Online CEU Course for Psychologists - Addiction And Co-Occurring Disorders

When looking for informative online CEU courses, consider one on addiction. At Professional Psych Seminars, we offer a variety of online courses and live in person classes on a variety of topics for psychologists and mental health professionals...Read More


Continuing Ed Psychology - Aging And Long-Term Care

When it comes to finding informative classes concerning aging and long-term care, Professional Psych Seminars offers a two-part online CEU course for health professionals...Read More


Online Psych CE Course - DSM-5 In Action

The DSM-5 in action online psych CE course for mental health professionals is designed to cover the basic changes when using the DSM-5 with a mental health assessment, treatment planning, and other practice strategies...Read More


Behavioral Health Seminar - Overcoming The Fear Of Intimacy

The Overcoming the Fear of Intimacy is a behavioral health seminar that dives into the qualities that a person should look for in their partner...Read More


Psychology Continue Education Online - Understanding And Treating Grief And Loss

The Understanding and Treating Grief and Loss online psychology continue education seminar offers helpful information on death, loss, and grief...Read More


Psychology Continue Education Seminars - Understanding Interpersonal Violence And Suicide

A psychology continue education seminar, Understanding Interpersonal Violence and Suicide examines how interpersonal aggressive behavior and suicide behavior both develop and how to treat them...Read More


Psychology Seminars - Autism Identification, Treatments And Current Research

The Autism Identification, Treatment, and Current Research psychology seminar focuses on how the incidence of Autism Spectrum Disorder has increased considerably in the last two decades...Read More


Social Work CEU Seminars - Inside Bipolar Disorder

The Inside Bipolar Disorder: Understanding Its Development, Presentation and Treatment social work CEU seminar helps individuals to understand better the mindful and objective awareness of what it is to have the bipolar disorder...Read More


Social Work Seminars - Suicide Prevention CE Class - CA, WA

The Suicide Prevention seminar meets the new requirements for California psychologists and the Washington State suicide prevention training requirement for social workers and health professionals...Read More